I am truly pleased... I would like to
express my Profound Thankfulness to Prof. Teresa Manasterska, Ph.D. ('F. Chopin' Academy of Music, Warsaw) and
Mrs. Maria
Grzebalska, MA ('F. Chopin' High School of Music, Warsaw) -
who represent the Polish Section of European Piano Teachers Association.
Thanks to many invitations that I have got from the EPTA-Poland, I could
thoroughly check my interpretation of the Chopin & Neuhaus' System at various piano-courses,
workshops, seminars etc. – working with highly talented young pianists,
mainly – winners of Polish and international piano competitions for the piano
juniors. I am profoundly grateful to Prof. Irena Poniatowska, Ph.D. and Prof. Maciej Golab, Ph.D. (University of Warsaw)
for the serious bibliographical help; as well I am very grateful to Prof. Günter Ludwig (Köln, Germany) and Prof. Udo Schneberger (Universities of Himeji and of
Osaka, Japan) for theirs significant artistic support. I would have probably
never found the adequate way to the Chopin's Method having no possibility to
experience Prof. Valery Klimov's (Saarbrücken, Moscow) teaching, just accompanying his students at
many Master-courses; watching for his own playing I have got the first and
deciding impulses for my own research. As well I would
like to express very hearty appreciation to my Friends, Musicians from Canada, USA,
Germany, China, Great Britain, Switzerland, France, Australia, Malaysia,
Korea, Sweden, Vietnam, Singapore, Philippines, Holland, Finland, Japan and
Poland - who have greatly helped me giving critical opinions, suggesting new
ideas or just offering theirs friendly assistance. The last,
however not Least Thanks I would like to dedicate to my Dear Wife Lidia and to our brave sons - Jan and
Filip! Having theirs understanding and love I could accomplish my artistic
and pedagogical plans. Thank you Very Much! Stefan Kutrzeba Actualized: 2004-11-12 |