Growing technique of playing and teaching the piano:

Chopin & Neuhaus' Method.

Motto I:

"Whoever is moved by music to the depths of the soul, and works on the instrument like possessed one, who loves music and his instrument with passion - will acquire virtuoso technique; he/she will be able to recreate the artistic image of the composition; he/she will be a performer."

Harry Neuhaus

Motto II:

"Music lives within us, in our brain, in our consciousness; its "domicile" can be accurately defined: it is our hearing."

Harry Neuhaus


1. Introduction

2. Searching for the system

3. Some words about Energy

4. Forming basic sound

5. A question of The Beauty

6. Two options in a view

7. New inspirations

8. Touch the keys!

9. Strengthening fingers

10. Coordination in its best

11. Creating patterns

12. Artistic honesty

13. An anecdote and the conclusion


"A Pole at hearth, but due to his genius - a citizen of World". This is how C. Norwid, a poet, wrote of Frédéric Chopin, whose music is enjoyed, studied and played with a greater love world-wide for more than 150 years. His compositions and life were examined and documented thoroughly. Unfortunately his piano method which has never been finished in writing, is being gradually forgotten even in teaching of the academic levels. In truth, Chopin's Method has never been admitted by the Western piano tradition as idea of really great practical value. That is why it is much better known among musicologists, then familiarized by the pianists. Meanwhile, due to its far-sighted wisdom, the Chopin's Method might be seen as remarkably profitable support for the pianists: for beginners as well as for professionals. This formula fulfils all the requirements that contemporary musicians could expect from professional piano schooling system. Though, they, maybe, would need some kind of guidance that will help them to assimilate the Chopin's teaching armory.

The article you actually are reading through offers the help of such kind - this text interprets some basic aspects of the Chopin's Method that might be seen as elements of the key importance. My personal way to this formula was not direct and took quite a long time. That is why I am afraid, at first I should briefly explain some additional belongings until I start to introduce the capital substance of my discoveries.

I am still afraid that being not an English native speaker, I probably cannot shape my explanations as clearly as it should be done. Therefore I would like to appeal for your patience: let you just try to recognize the cantus firmus that I just try to illuminate from many points of view. This is a name of the matter!

One of my Friends had given such comment to my interpretation of the Chopin's Method:

"I gather that we should concentrate on sound production and tonal control rather than thinking purely of the mechanical aspects of playing the piano."

However his opinion is truly right, as I think - it might better be shaped in such form as below:

"We should firmly focus our attention on sound production and tonal & emotional control because only in this way we can truly upgrade our instrumental technique as a whole."

As John Ruskin said: "Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together." My interpretation of the Chopin's Method surely tries to go toward this side.

Searching for the system

Searching for a system that could provide the decisive success in professional piano schooling, we might have to look for a special skill, which will give a possibility to combine the imaginable artistic image of the musical Form with the real pianist's action. By surprise, in 1995 I have got some truly remarkable help in this way reading a book by Barry Sears, Ph.D.: "The Zone; A Dietary Road Map" (Regan Books; USA, 1995). Dr. Sears took a zone, a notion this book tells about, from sport's language: the American athletes' elite uses it for quite a long time. The zone means them - a near euphoric state of maximum physical, mental and psychological performance. Being a medical researcher, Dr. Sears describes such condition as the metabolic state in which the body works at peak efficiency. Thanks to various free associations, the zone settled my thinking about piano technical schooling on the absolutely new path. Firstly I started to test a particular zone in the sound's quality that according to Chopin's statement might be used as the factor that can help to focus attention in piano playing on, professionally seen, the most important aspects of the sound.

As Chopin wrote in his Projet de méthode: In this immensity of sounds we should find a region in which the vibrations are more easily perceptible to us (look at: J-J. Eigeldinger, Chopin: pianist and teacher as seen by his pupils, Cambridge University Press, 1986).

This very precise and concrete suggestion, unfortunately, has never been noticed in theory of the piano as something of greater importance for the piano technical schooling. Just suddenly I discovered - how the zone should be applied in practicing the piano... Afterwards, in the Tellefsen's Treatise of piano technique (Frédéric Chopin. Esquisses pour une méthode de piano. Textes réunis et présentes par Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger. Paris, 1993; Chapter 3) I found some declarations of this Chopin's scholar that fully certify the adequacy of my suppositions in this matter.

In 1999 I found the next greatly intriguing Chopin's indication at the introductory part of the Sketches. This is, inter alia, how he wrote about real problems of the piano technique: "...[you have] to learn how to properly realize the long and short sounds..." (Frédéric Chopin. Esquisses pour une méthode de piano. Textes réunis et présentes par Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger. Paris, 1993).

Reading such advice I was truly confused - what does it should actually mean? Why just "long and short sounds"? Which kind of difficulties might be hidden here? Why for he would like to introduce the "long and short sounds" as the particular piano technical problem?

These both indications:

- "a zone of the dynamic value in which the sounds are most easily perceptible to us"

- and the problem of "longer and shorter sounds"

must been used in our tries to interpret the Chopin Method's entirety as a real bottom of the matter. Having no evidences of similar kind, still searching for basically substantial information, we would be involved in operating among hypotheses and possibilities of unverifiable character only.

In any case, these both indications, especially in alliance with easily determinable character of Chopin's definitions of the music, are giving enough much light on the problem. From this reason, quite soon after, I started to experimentally test their practical worth. I was sure that this path in thinking about possibilities of the practical usage of Chopin's Method could open surprisingly great perspectives. Of course, I was not the first teacher who tried to use the Chopin's Method in his piano practice. For example, this method has been very successfully used by one of the greatest, in my opinion, piano masters in the whole history of the piano teaching - by Prof. Harry Neuhaus (1888-1964). In particular sense of the word - he even developed and made the Chopin's Method more clear for piano teachers of our time; especially his clarification concerning manual aspects of the piano technique should be perceived as the absolutely adequate one. In any case yet, such objective elements of the Chopin's Method that are presented in this article - have never been formerly noticed, even in the Prof. Neuhaus' writings.

After sufficiently long and many-sided test period in Finland, Germany and Poland I may actually say that the practical solutions proposed by Chopin's Method and presented in this article, are thoroughly helpful and might seriously support the technique of playing and teaching the piano. After all, they represent such kind of clarity, that the each one pianist should be able to put them into his/her practice without any external help.

Some words about Energy

Many musicians are truly able to play the piano very well but in spite of it they play poorly, without joy or satisfaction. That is the question - why?

For a long time I have been particularly interested in relations between the technique of piano playing and the artistic vision of the music that one tries to play. My attention, especially, has been focused on practical usage of such vision as a working background in the instrumental action. Because it was very clear to me that the result of any action strictly depends on way of handling the energy in it, I started just from this fundamental question. Here are my conclusions:

I. Irrational management of energy produces the most common tribulations in the piano technique; it appears as result of combined influence of some nearly inadvertent defects, as:

- The players' deficient desire to animate the interpreted music.

- The players' incomplete consciousness of artistic sense of the musical Form that is being shaped in playing.

- The players' incomplete vision of the piano sound's quality as of something that definitely rules the piano technique.

- The players' inadequate knowledge of the "policies" that determine the energetic interaction between hands as organs of the body, and the piano keyboard.

Well, if the players' thinking, hearing and manual acting are organized on such deficient base - the whole work must bring only little effect. A conception that interprets the technical side of piano playing as something purely functional and therefore - artistically neutral, totally sterilizes fantasy, makes the play boring and, at last, overloads the players physically, too. Due to practicing directed by artistically and mechanically inadequate base one obviously must feel a lack of satisfaction and try to look for the formula that will clear up this unpleasant situation. In this case the idea of making the fingers stronger and stronger surely can appear at the first place as something "rational". The idea of that kind focuses the pianist's attention on second-class elements of the matter yet: the various finger-exercises must reappear in the center of regard...

Many pianists can interpret it as the most natural solution, but in fact such approach definitely establishes the whole work in fully ineffective shape.

The wrong option, too - are attempts to acting in the world of pure fantasy and tries to solve all the operational problems in piano playing in this way only. These both magical circles -: purely mechanical and purely mental - have to be conjoined "by and in" the pianist's hearing. Something at last should connect all the elements of playing into one fully effective system; unfortunately such stimulus would very rarely arise from the player's own inside.

II. The technical education of pianists based on mechanistic, anatomic-physiological or purely psychological order induces an irrational management of energy in playing the piano.

Irrational management of energy in piano playing is at least not accidental only. It might even be determined by quasi-scientific theories, which in essence regard the pianist as a composite of mechanisms of nearly pure physical nature. However, sometimes, the pianist could be wrongly portrayed as almost metaphysical being that can solve all the technical questions in piano playing solely using his/her mental powers.

It has been known for very many years that a mastery in the piano does not mean the manual perfection only, but rather an art of creating the virtual Beauty in really sounding musical appearance. So, it should be understandable, that the mastery in such kind of art might be reached only through use of professionally appropriate techniques that makes possible many-sided processing of one's own musical ideas. Consequently, the professionally adequate piano technique cannot be achievable via practice exclusively supported by the mechanistic, anatomic-physiological or solely psychological base. In such cases the focus of attention to entirely mechanical or purely mental aspects of playing will automatically set the major questions of our art far away from any one possibility to solve them. It should be clear for us all, that the Musical Art mainly affects the hearing and therefore our attention has to firmly be focused on development of professionally proper hearing skills.

III. The conviction that physical power and velocity of fingers decide the technical development in playing the piano - is the fundamental mistake and reason for all instrumental troubles in the piano education.

Factually, I hope, every piano teacher could agree that artistic growth in the piano is achievable, firstly, through development of creative musical hearing and through activation of the musical fantasy, which both should act in our work as the powerful command center.

At the same time yet, almost constantly, the power and velocity of fingers are the dominant problems in the piano technical schooling. Placing such elements at central point of ones thinking about technique of the piano certainly will cause very bad results because such interpretation does not respect the basic role of imaginary side of the sound's quality complex in shaping the musical form in performance. Such interpretation, firstly, does not even conceive HOW musical fantasy's activity and the sound's quality inspection can induce the technically proper hands' action in playing the piano. That is why the everyday piano teaching practice is still usually divided into technical and artistic part. Due to this fact, for example, Chopin's art of touché (a kind of touch, beloved by Chopin as a manner of not only physical contact with a keyboard in his art of piano playing) is at time almost unachievable. It is nearly clear - why so. As I think, it happens because of very common tendency to handle matters in piano playing strictly logically. I mean - through all possible sorts of analysis that are natural procedures in scientific research. That tendency, unfortunately, destroys artistic creativity and totally dries the matter.

In our art we need of course analyses, but at first we have to obtain the skills of creating a musically rational [mobile] vision of the piano sound ( that could activate our desire for creativity. As well we need some practical hearing skills that must actually direct the whole technical side of playing. The creative musical hearing that should guide the pianist's acting, must give the hands the proper operational commands. Of course, we have to intensely listen to our inner voices if we would like to create the musical form on really abundant base. But at first we have to be adequately inform what about actually happens in the technically most essential levels of sounds' external (dynamic) and internal (motional & emotional) sides. Well, seeking for these specific hearing skills we have to determine the object that we ought to intensely watch over in playing. The Chopin's answer is very clear - "In this immensity of sounds we should find a region in which the vibrations are more easily perceptible to us"; of course we have to determine some specific attributes of this object that have to be primarily observed.

Forming basic sound

In opposition to many questionable orders that factually disintegrate the hands' action, Chopin's priceless touché smoothly connects all elements in playing the piano. Such touch practically makes the fingers strictly dependent from quality of players' abilities to hear creatively and, as well, of acting of theirs artistic fantasy. Because the touché of Chopin's mode really means a great deal more than only a special kind of contact with a keyboard: it thoroughly assists the whole operational part of creating an artistic idea in playing the piano. How is possible to achieve such kind of a touch - is the main question of my article.

I started my searches from problem of energetic management in the technical side of playing. Not only in my opinion exactly this question is of key importance in the whole piano technical schooling. In the all probability just F. Liszt personally said: "All technique originates in the art of touch and returns to it" (J-J. Eigeldinger, Chopin: pianist and teacher, op. cit., p. 17). Well, because unfortunately there is only one share of energy in a human being, the pianists ought to economize their own powers: if ineffective kind of touch uses up too much energy, the lack of energy for the higher, creative activity, must come to light "earlier or later". Pianists, of course, must exert their powers and however they do need rather not much of them, they do need the particular power only - the benevolent one. Unfortunately, in the same way as good and bad cholesterol exists, or good and bad super-hormones, which Dr. Sears wrote about in his book - good and bad kinds of power in the hands of pianist also exist.

In attempts to obtain such "good" powers I have written in foregoing paragraph about, the pianist will get an essential help using the "sound's quality detector" alias - the Zone. The notion of The Zone should firstly be interpreted as "the dynamic vision of a sound in ones fantasy", and after then - should be practically used as "the reference value" in practicing and playing the piano. Working on the piano technique without any help of such kind, one actually must engage much too much physical energy even for realization of truly easy-care tasks. In any case, only having the ideal pattern that the pianist should formerly create, he could be able to professionally censure the quality of his playing. Having such pattern in central point of the attention one can start to searching for the best kind of power for one's hands. It cannot happen through purely physical exercising of fingers but it should particularly be realized likely oppositely to any other type of the physical effort!

One surely will find and be able to develop the benevolent power in his/her hands, but solely through a distinct kind of a soft touch, born in assistance of precise ear control and of the active artistic imagination. Due to powerful impact of these factors, the pianist's co-operation with "resistant forces" of the keyboard will work without any disturbances and with minimal participation of a raw physical power. The pianist's fingers will consequently achieve the similar kind of contact with the keyboard, as the right hand of the skilful cellist has with the bow. Using the zone as the operational facility can help to install the genuine Chopin's touché into the technical practice of the pianists. It will develop the creative musical hearing up to such quality, that at last all the applicable elements in the playing will be conjoined into one, well-integrated system.

In my own experience I may say that especially at the first phase of work one obviously should focus one's hearing on quite thin, mezzo - still, dynamically - not weak zone of the sound's power. Even very small non-controlled growth of sound's energy mostly directs unskilled hearing into a specific insensibility. As well even relatively small reduction of dynamic pitch could make such ears "non-interested" in hearing. That happens, probably, on the same physiological basis, as it can be observed in seeing, feeling of a taste, of a temperature, a lighting, etc. So, for the best, one should start one's personal search for the supreme piano technique exactly from this dynamic zone, he/she really can experience with the whole accuracy and with greater personal enjoyment. It should be - for her, for him, for you and me - just the most natural and beautiful kind of the sound. Chopin's scholar, Th. D. A. Tellefsen wrote in his Treatise of piano technique (Frédéric Chopin. Esquisses pour une méthode de piano. Textes réunis et présentes par Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger. Paris, 1993; Chapter 3) - "such homogeneous, peaceful and not exalted sound forms the basis of music and is being achieved not for many pianists".

Approach to the quality of such basic sound should remember the process of forming of the human voice by bel canto. The everyday practicing must be started neither - from shouting, nor from crying - but just from humming. After then the singer may carefully start singing. For me, the next useful similarity could be found in the image of an ancient well. One cannot get the best water drawing it from too low depths; it cannot be drawn, as well, from too high levels of the well - one has to draw it from just the exact level.

There exist the next, very important aspect of the matter - our imaginable source must be alive: the vision of the sound, which forms the virtual basis of the real sound - has to be mobile; it must actually flow along! If not - due to uncompromising impact of the emotional resonance (, played sounds (motives, phrases, the whole musical Forms) would be perceived as something emotionally stagnant, and therefore - would be boring.

A question of The Beauty

Well, a question of The Beauty must persistently be present in center of our work. As Chopin said, again: "In this immensity of sounds we find a region in which the vibrations are more easily perceptible to us". To catch it up there must be used in playing a next supplementary value: a feeling of the physical comfort and pleasure in the hands. Such one is achievable only through precise internal control and could be defined as the sensitively determinable level of the ease in the pianist's hands, which if crossed over, causes very undesirable consequences in the sound's quality. One should remember that even relatively small growth of non controlled stress in working unskilled hands readily directs into the specific muscle's insensibility which if combined with ears' passivity, gives at last the truly non-professional, boring and artistically unhappy piano playing.

Reversibly, even some minutes long, quiet, still intensive training in such a "region in which the vibrations are more easily perceptible to us", so - in the proper (basic) dynamic zone of the sound - will unconditionally bring the very improvement of playing quality. Various instrumentally important details will be explained some paragraphs below and, especially - in files that could be reached by links added at the end of this page.

Without special professional training only very great musical talents could achieve truly good instrumental technique. A commonly talented pianist just need in a tutoring of that kind to obtain the proper hearing skills by certain way of training. Unfortunately, there are not many sources that can precisely tell how one must listen to one's own playing as the truly skilful pianist does. As well it would be not easy to get an answer on such questions as:

- "how is possible to detect such details in playing that operationally are most important "?

- and "how they should be processed "?

Doubtlessly, the both of them are very important in the piano technical schooling. Generally, the question we are actually speaking about could be defined as "how exactly looks the object that one must strongly control if tries to find the technically most effective solution in playing the piano?"

In many occasions the students can read and hear about the sound's quality, or about the tone, timbre, color, etc. These words are very poetic. They all are the beautiful and instructively useful notions, but in the deeper sense of a matter using them only will bring not enough worthy results. The students need in artistically firm impulses for their fantasy. Therefore we have to use many characteristic notions, thoughts and ideas to growing theirs mental activity. At the same time they must obtain very simple, real and handy tools for developing their hearing technique yet; these tools must firmly serve theirs piano technique.

The main technical thought of the Chopin's formula is, as I see, just as handy and functional: the pianists should find the zone of exactly this kind of sound's quality that they really can control with the greatest accuracy.

The next step should be characterized as the phase of work that will give the sound's vision enough virtual energy to flow inside the Zone. This conclusion comes easily to light after joining together Chopin's indication concerning "the short and long sounds" and his definitions of the music in which he constantly tells about "speaking", "revealing", "presenting", etc. He always speaks about acting then, and this is very apparent - why so! It is because of the piano sound's terrible attribute of physical immobility and due to incontestable great impact of the emotional resonance. Just therefore the pianists have to put their fantasy into action and create the flowing vision of a sound despite real duration of the sounds. The staccato (short) sounds CANNOT destroy the general FLUENTNESS of the musical drive. As well the length of the longer sounds must be fulfilled with emotional and mental motion that will positively affect the listeners, giving the pianists possibility to practical realization of cantabile via the piano (likely) immobile sound.

Of course, I would not like to say that in my opinion Chopin has personally interpreted his vision of the matter in the similar categories. I must still admit that such interpretation of the problem to the dots agree with the all evidences one can get looking for substantial information about Chopin's manner of teaching and playing the piano. For me it is extremely joyful that exactly this model of the piano technical solution I am actually writing about has been practically approved many hundred times at my master-classes in several European countries. Furthermore it has been acclaimed as truly beneficial one by very many highly talented piano youngsters as well as by their teachers.

Two options in a view

You, surely, remember well this J. Ruskin's sentence: "Fine art is that in which the hand, the head, and the heart of man go together." These all, nice, hearable and imaginable things - as "head, hearth..." could be practically efficient only in case if the students would be able to "find and touch" the third value of the similarly great importance yet: the particular level of freedom and sensual pleasure in theirs hands. And - reversibly: this value could be detectable and attainable only in case if they correspondingly would like to search for, and be able to find the proper zone in the sound's quality. Only creating the Flowing Vision of the Sound they would be at last able to obtain their individual basic sound.

At this place I would like to bring in the Tellefsen's name again. He was the Chopin's student within about five years and Chopin appealed just personally him to finish up the Méthode. Tellefsen writes clearly that the quality and volume of a sound thoroughly depend upon the use of hands' weight. We may add here - "via rational help of fingers' agility and theirs energy", of course. In any case, it has to be really evident that there exist only the two eventualities: A. Or - the pianists would like to utilize the weight of fingers, forearms and hands - separately or as an entirety, in agree to any concrete circumstances ( B. Or - they will have to persistently cope with the force of gravitation, use theirs muscles for keeping hands in the air, and in spite of it employ them in a fight against resistant force of the keys.

These both options concern the mechanic part of playing the piano. What can we say about mental & emotional part of the matter?

Chopin's texts constantly maintain the acting. In my opinion, it should especially affect the "longer and shorter sounds" which remorselessly betray the pianist's artistic inactivity. The instrumentalists who play strings and winds, or the singers - they all have possibilities to form the sound within full time of its length. The pianists do not have such possibility and therefore they absolutely HAVE TO DO SOMETHING, I mean - they have to activate the piano sound (again: especially when playing the "longer or shorter sounds" which remorselessly betray the pianist's inner artistic inactivity). Because the emotional resonance works invariably always and everywhere, the pianists should seriously take under consideration such points as: A. Or they will vitalize the vision of a sound, changing purely mental work into combined activity of fantasy and creative hearing. B. Or they will be accursed to lose the fight against artistic immobility as well as to lose the battle against the keyboard...

Many additional explanations concerning the technique of the piano could be found via links "Special aspects of the piano technique" and "Particular questions - individual answers" placed at the end of this page. At this place I just like to remind that wanting to get more clear image of the matter you unconditionally have to read Prof. Neuhaus' clarifications concerning manual aspects of the piano technique in his famous book "Art of Piano Playing"!

Constantly watching the alternations that take place in the sound's moving inside, the pianists can adequately guide the evolution of the artistic idea in the playing. And however, as I suppose, almost all piano players deeply believe in necessity of highly correct hearing - many of them are listening to the sounds just superficially, like concert listeners do. To be really well informed about what is going on in the playing, they should listen to the sound of the piano during ones playing on truly professional way.

So, they should simultaneously try to:

- Generate the proper (mobile) vision of the sound,

- Produce the sound in possibly effortless way (utilizing the weight of fingers, forearms and hands - separately or as an entirety, in agree to any concrete circumstances),

- Verify its quality and realize the necessary corrections as soon as possible.

I would like to maintain now, and even stress again my deep belief in irrationality of every physical movement in playing - if it not directly promote the artistic idea of actually performing musical element. For many reasons, especially in practicing classical music, it is possible to use artistically "empty" movements to an alarming extent. The use of the zone might change such practice definitely; if the empty (artistically invalid) tone still arises - the player, as a result, will lose a feeling of pleasure in the hands! I have understood this aspect that put the finishing touches on my new comprehension of the piano technique just accidentally associating a zone, which Dr. Sears has used as a notion related to a medical question - with the idea of perfectionism in playing the piano; the nuance of this notion (a zone) has worked like a taste of madeleine or a sound of knocked flagstone in "À la recherché du temps perdu" (by M. Proust). Many things have appeared in my imagination in completely new colors. Relations and similarities between matters that seemingly exist so far one from another, like "Une Méthode de piano" of Chopin, TAO and the technique of using a bow in the Russian method of the violin - have come to light.

New inspirations

The old Chinese TAO (A WAY) is neither a religion nor a pure philosophy; paradoxically - despite its mysterious character TAO is to me, clearly worded, much closer to the earthly side of the everyday life, than religion or philosophy commonly is. I have personally been helped very strongly through its powerful mind & body techniques and others practical skills. Its methods of physical relaxation, breathing, and more - that strengthens stamina, improves mental concentration and refreshes memory, are incredibly valuable in my personal life as well as in my pedagogy. Thanks to TAO I have understood the meaning of soft, gentle and flexible type of motion as factors that can strongly stimulate the benevolent power's growth in the hands of pianists. I have noticed with a great joy that pedagogic opinions of Chopin and his famous intolerance to dull finger exercises are very close to general Taoist principles of training (the victory - through souplesse).

I see a similarly wise philosophy of motion in the Russian school of violin. I became acquainted with the theoretical standpoint of these methods many years ago and I was very lucky becoming personally acquainted with them in 1993, 1995 and 1997 in Bad Sobernheim, Germany, at the Mattheiser Summer-Academy. Parallel to other activities I have accompanied here more than two hundred lessons by the prominent Russian teacher and virtuoso, Prof. Valery Klimov - D. Oistrakh's successor at the Moscow Conservatory. Generally said, he dealt in the violin technique field with the sense of using just this, not that part of the player's hand or body for the realization of the concrete artistic task. Again: he tried to upraise the degree of rationality in use of energy in violin playing. We have to admit that he acted in fully accordance to the old-Eastern tradition as well, as to the new Western point of view, that generally interpret the problem of the body and it's acting in terms of energy.

Thanks to many clear similarities among D. Oistrakh school's pedagogy and my own image of Prof. Neuhau's teaching mode I began to understand - what probably Chopin had liked to say by himself about his own piano teaching in his unfinished "Méthode". At first I can saw then - how does it practically act? How the fingers must work to animate the hand? How the palm should work as a mobile base for the fingers? And what ought to happen in the other parts of the arm that should continually be in assistance there as a natural base in playing, but that may not work instead of the fingers and palm's activity. Generally - what does it practically mean: the rational division of roles and competencies inside the working mind & body entirety.

It is also not strange that just Prof. Klimov, however thanks to analogies only, showed me the convenient way to my new understanding of the Chopin's technical idea. Leggiero and cantabile were both the very remarkable pedagogic instruments in Chopin's piano teaching; later his students and, in round numbers, generations of teachers almost forgot their great operational convenience. Fortunately, these values fully survived in their entirety in the Russian school of violin, in which the technical ease of playing and the artistic abundance of cantabile enjoying the highest honor, as in the bel canto - so much beloved by Chopin.

Touch the keys!

Some years ago (...!) I attended the `P. Tchaikovsky´ Conservatory of Music in Moscow as a pedagogical trainee. Prof. J. I. Milstein, my mentor there, was a wonderful pianist and a man of renowned learning. Formerly he worked the assisting-professor of Prof. Konstantin Igumnov, one of the greatest Russian piano masters of the 20th century. "Chopin's advice to the pianists" (Moscow, MUSICA, 1967) by J. I. Milstein is not a lengthy work, but unquestionably a very interesting one. He collected there and with thorough knowledge put in order the very many sure facts on Chopin's views on piano and piano pedagogy. Accidentally, not long ago, I looked up some pages of this compendium again:

In Part Four (p. 80) one can read as follows - "... wanting to eliminate harnesses and a wrong tension from his hands, one should start to play the piano not with legato, but rather with the light, soft staccato, with attention to full flexibility and ease in the palm and wrist. After that Chopin advises to go to a light portato, legato marcato, and, in the end, to a true, full-valued legato, which should be exercised through various tempos in forte as well as in piano."

And herein after (p. 85): "... the equality of the touch should be achieved through the rational use of fingers - not through dull knocking on the keys that is against the nature of a hand. Exercises should be played with a free hand, with slightly collected fingers that one should not rise high, but rather keep in close contact with the keyboard ("before one starts to play - one should touch the keys with one's fingers" - is a very characteristic piece of Chopin´s advice)."

These quotations of course shed not so much new light on actual information of Chopin's method, indeed. Still thanks to them I have started to think more deeply of the special meaning and importance of the whole Chopin's piano pedagogy again. In 1995/6, I hope - definitely - I have understood its absolutely great significance and, consequently, thanks to that happy advance I started practically use such exclusively precious kind of touch that was for me totally unknown before. Without Chopin's strictly determined way of training - through the specific, light and soft staccato, and in the following - through the specific, light and soft portato, legato marcato, it could not be possible at all.

Now - let us describe how all these "specifics" of the Chopin's mode virtually are looking alike? This is the very important question!

Strengthening fingers

My personal way to the really well working piano teaching technique took quite a long time and was not direct. I persistently tried and tried again to find the best kind of motion, I observed a nature, I watched the children - how they use their hands in the very common situations when they are free of stress and fully absorbed in the action, etc. But only after watching in detail how the authentic violin virtuoso uses the bow and listening his clear explanations of it - at last I have understood: what does it mean - "the singing instrumental legato". Consequently, I think - I have found, maybe, the right way to understanding how it should practically be fulfil in playing the piano, too. I understand, too, that to find out this full-valued singing legato of Chopin's style without clear imagination of such kind of motions that have been defined some paragraphs above as typically Chopin's "specific, light and soft staccato" and "specific, light and soft portato" - could be quite a difficult job. At first I have to say that it unconditionally helps a great deal if one uses a rule: "the fingers activate the hand - there is not the other way round".

A phrase of entirely same meaning one can find, as well, in the earlier quoted Prof. J-J. Eigeldinger's work: "In Chopin's playing, the fingers activate the whole arm..." (Chopin: pianist and teacher, op. cit., p. 18). Really, such kind of use of the hands has an incomparable great importance for the piano technique. Commonly, the physical energy of a player comes rectilinearly from higher parts of the hand and enforces the fingers. In such a case one obviously must play in any technically incompetent way, which Chopin ironically titled as "striking", "crashing", "knocking", "rattling", etc. Therefore, due to the hands' particular properties, the way proposed by Chopin, through "...the light, soft staccato, with attention to full flexibility and ease in the palm and wrist", while the fingers really must activate the hands - might definitely be seen as the most convenient one for the pianists. It quickly becomes apparent that if using a touché of Chopin's style to develop one's technique, one certainly has to use rather less power of ones muscles. Optimizing their drive by active use of the Zone will produce better harmony between hands and the keyboard, which will be experienced by the players as real strengthening of the fingers.

We must say that the fingers and the palm always should act as a compact unit that can operate properly thanks to "full flexibility and ease" in wrist - that is the point of truly strategic importance in the whole technical armory of piano playing. If such a joint becomes "closed" or immovable due to any stress - the game is nearly over...! The fingers and the palm, which should operate together as a mobile base for the fingers - have at once quite enough weight, power and capacity for implementation of surprisingly many technical duties. But, they could fulfil their tasks only if they are adequately integrated in the action and - if the wrist helps them as a truly flexible joint that connects them smoothly with other parts of the hand being there as a basic, obviously - mobile support. In truth: the mobile palm and other parts of the hand should continually support the fingers. This is the next point of the very great importance in the Chopin's idea of the piano technical schooling.

Coordination in its best

The very common mistake is to use, permanently, the whole arms or the major parts of them for the fulfillment of the very delicate duties, which can easily be realized by approximately small and mobile instruments. Normally, such tasks have to be realized by the fingers in their excellent co-operation with the palm and wrist. At any rate the other parts of the arm should continually be in assistance as natural base for the whole action there. Such assistance may not mean more than just a help, yet. Those other parts of the arm should not work instead of the compact unit's proper activity (the fingers and the palm ought to act together as a well-integrated system). One must clearly understand the sense of rational division of roles and competencies inside the working hands.

According to many opinions of former Chopin's students and persons who were close to him - in search for the most easy way to staccato of the Chopin's character a hand (a finger) should only to "skim a key as a wing of dragonfly does" (C. Dzialynska - in: J-J. Eigeldinger, Fryderyk Chopin, Szkice do metody gry fortepianowej, Musica Jagiellonica, Krakow 1995, p. 113). So, it should not happen "through the dull knocking on the keys"! As well, a search for the really singing legato of the Chopin's mode should be enriched by the particular kind of exercising with precise portato cantabile, that through highly disciplined hearing builds a tough connection between the idea of a sound and its real sounding appearance.

This is how I see the question of the Chopin's "specifics". It is naturally not the whole range of the subject; every player must remember that even the most accurate kind of motion, even if totally agree with Chopin's direction - represents just nothing more than solely the external, physical part of piano playing. Factually, only using such hearing device as the imaginable Zone, and being able to put it into motion - the pianist would be able to practically achieve the miraculous touch of the Chopin's kind. The best kind of coordination among all the virtual factors and mechanic elements inside of acting mind & body entirety would be finally achievable.

Creating patterns

As it happens in many other serious matters, the definite success in piano technical schooling depends upon very delicate factors as well as upon very weighty aspects of the thing - such as talent, luck, destiny, etc. I mean, for instance, it depends - too - upon differences between the kind of touch proposed by Chopin and a raw, non-professional, an awkward one. On the surface these differences could be about invisible, but in truth - they are of the basic importance. For better understanding of it one should personally TRY to use the Chopin's touché in one's own piano playing...

Practically, such work should be started from exercising the wished musical phrase just without a rough force, totally. One could try to take some tones of a phrase very gently, firstly - with light staccato "with slightly collected fingers", very freely and intensely taking care of any aspect of the sound's quality as well as of comfort in his/her fingers and arms. "After that Chopin advises to go to a light portato, legato marcato, and, at the end, to a true, full-valued legato, which should be exercised through various tempos in forte as well as in piano" (J. I. Milstein, op.cit.). Naturally, the whole exercising must not resemble dull, mechanical making ready! For the best; one has to go on and go ahead, persistently trying to gain possibly full-bodied appearance of one's own artistic idea, searching for the proper Zone of the sound's value and constantly activating the vision of a sound.

At this phase of work one ought to remember that the full-singing legato (and - leggiero) is achievable just at the end of such a relatively long preparative period; at the same time one will gradually obtain this particular kind of touch that really joins all the elements in piano technique. Essentially, the zone should act in the playing all the time as the easily detectable border of the sound's quality - which if crossed over, caused artistically very undesirable consequences. Of course, its using requires close mental attention and a permanent imaginative drive. Such a psychological compulsion for constant intensity of the player's own attention to some concrete elements of his/her own musical activity could be, in the didactic sense, as an aspect of incomparable great worth. The player starts then to hear and "seen" the all artistic reality of the musical form he/she would like to shape in playing; clouded and uncertain will obtain contours and backgrounds, changing itself into "rememberable", definite, and emotionally - clear.

Without fail, depending on artistic purpose of the form one wants to create, he/she must persistently create the patterns of quality of sound and character that are necessary in the concrete phase of work. Pianissimo or mezzo piano of a special timbre cannot be find - technically seeing - in the same zone as another one. It is definitely logical. Unfortunately, many piano players faithfully try and try to find all these possible timbres and colors at the same place, which is, of course, irrational and costs very much energy. This mainly happens due to an imprudent, raw-hammered manner of articulation in piano playing, which constantly directs all movements of the fingers to the same awkward place in the similarly awkward manner. So, it happens due to absence of the concrete sounding object that has to be watched and processed with the similar genuine reality in which a carpenter handles his piece of wood.

Using the zone makes the whole piano sound's processing just as help as possible because it makes clear the objective reality of the existing sound. At this place I would like to maintain a fact, that creative but professionally unskilled individuals usually listen rather to their own imaginative internal sounds than to the really existing sounding values. Using the Zone they might be greatly helped in their way to normality in the piano. The staccato and portato of the Chopin's kind can work as the truly benefit assistance in playing the piano. The "common" staccato and portato rather habitually divide a musical phrase into separately sounding details - meanwhile these both of the Chopin's kinds really join the all elements of musical reality that lives under sounding external appearance, giving them possibility to act fluently and strengthening theirs internal integrity. I am afraid that such a "theorem" could be proved only in the vivid practice! As Chopin said by himself - "sound before word!"

A character, mood, artistic thought and idea - now come to light again as these very important aspects of a subject, which should always be the leading points of our work. I think, they really are the vital dominant motives that should firmly be remembered in our artistic work, mainly, because of such reason as below:

- There exists neither forte nor piano of a pure acoustic value in the artistic musical interpretation.

This fact, unfortunately, is the most frequently forgotten thing in the whole piano schooling. There lives in us rather too much deep faith in the possibility of making beautiful music through the pure acoustic motion of the sound, purely physically - without any personal expressive, artistic intention. Or - through the pure mental activity, still without any objective instrumental skills. The purely psychological point of view in piano technical schooling is risky as well as the purely mechanistic one: in longer perspective they both are similarly ineffective due to absence of the professionally skilful hearing therein. Those quasi-systems just likely regard the necessity of professionally excellent processing of the really existing sound as something practically inessential for the matter. If I may modulate a little the John Ruskin's quotation: "Our art is that in which the hand, the head, the heart and the ears of man go together."

Artistic honesty

It is astonishing that - seriously considering this problem - so few pianists are interested in Chopin's technique and try to assimilate and evolve it in their own practice. Perhaps it is because of the suspicion that Chopin's method is suitable only for studying of his own pieces. This belief seems to be actually wrong because all these things that were the main problems to Chopin in his pedagogy are still important today. We actually need the ergonomically well ordered playing and we are seeking for perfectionism of a touch, for naturalness in performance. We would like to be rich in articulations and we are responsible towards the musical text and its IDEA. Though at the same time we would like to be spontaneous in our interpretation, etc. Besides, we should remember that we truly would like to precisely know how to skillfully deal with problems of that kind, Chopin dealt with in his own teaching.

As seen in the larger perspective, the Chopin's piano pedagogic idea in our highly computed times is even much more actual and necessary than whenever earlier. In our piano-art it actually looks like a symbol of artistic honesty. Chopin strongly liked the order in every art and saw a great necessity to put his own views into a clear form - so, he started to write a book in which his system of the piano could be presented throughout. Unfortunately, this book was never finished, but in spite of it, really - there is much more wisdom in these pages than in the "ten thousand" pages of other books dealing with the similar problems (it's the Neuhaus' opinion, too).

Chopin's dispassionate and unpretentious method is the most efficient one for all those who like to get such kind of the strictly benevolent power that undoubtedly can give them the technical potentiality to play right the all piano music. It should mean - not only Nocturnes and Waltzes of "poor Chopin", as probably could think all they who personally never have had the opportunity to become closer acquainted with his truly miraculous piano technical idea.

An anecdote and the conclusion

Once I saw a very good cartoon: Albert Einstein is standing in a lecture-hall in front of the blackboard on which there are about ten thousand numbers, and at the end - his famous formula. Einstein is evidently confused, in his hand he has a piece of paper that is full of numbers, too. The scientist says: "... if necessary, I'll give you my word of honor...!"

I hope that I do not have to give my word of honor! The zone - the facilitation that helps to understand, operationally seen - the most important element of Chopin's piano-technical idea, is surely the very practical piece of advice. With a great joy and satisfaction I would like to recommend it as a real answer to many, not only technical questions in the piano playing. Every pianist should be able to easily put such a small detail (as the zone is) into his/her own piano praxis. Consequently, the use of the zone can thoroughly improve a quality of one's creative hearing. Practically connecting ones fantasy with one's fingers it could help to mature one's own artistic abilities, at last giving the pianists a full manual comfort, too.

Finally, again, I would like to emphasize the role of a "double-track" control when practicing and playing the piano. The pianists should examine the quality of cantabile and mobility at shortest sounds as well as in longest, too. At once they continually should examine the true degree of ease in theirs hands. The high quality of articulation will be guaranteed by the leggiero that will give the pianists' fingers the sincerely benevolent power; parallel - the strong wish to play cantabile will eliminate all tendencies to formality in piano playing. It is beyond doubt, that cantabile and leggiero will not cheapen or sentimentalize our playing. Cantabile - controlling by the zone, and leggiero - watching by the pianists from theirs own inside, are only the highly beneficial technical elements of the method and they just act in it like oil in an engine...

Well, in practicing the piano leggiero and cantabile ought to be operationally applied as the basic technical elements of the work. Speaking about piano technique it has to be absolutely sure that a touch of the Chopin's kind, being easy achievable by using of the zone, will act in our technique as the objective factor that distinguishes the truly refined piano technique of Chopin's mood from commonly well ordered piano playing.

Using the zone builds a tough connection between reality of the objective, beautiful - still meaningless world of a sound, and the basic creative powers of our vivid imagination, which must deal with material of that kind, give it form and fulfil it with meaning. That is why the zone as an element of the whole system is so important to me: its impact on piano playing is a holistic, strongly integrated one. Using of the zone radically accelerates the piano technical schooling because this manner of work helps to eliminate all those physical and mental brakes that have formerly been brought into one's playing habits, for example, due to almost mechanical, or - too narrow psychological understanding of our art.

I am afraid I can not to prove the verity of these all my opinions using the fully scientific procedure. As I have maintained earlier, I am rather an artist than a scientist, and - at time - I have no possibility to organize such a necessary chain of pedagogic experiments and investigations to creating the scientifically clear image of all those things that practically exist in my pedagogic practice. On the other hand the positive interest toward my courses firmly legitimates my stable faith in higher efficiency of my interpretation of the Chopin & Neuhaus' system. I use it personally since about 1996 with the greater artistic and pedagogic satisfaction.

There exist various paths to Chopin's method of teaching the piano. I have discovered the Chopin's method in perspective of the zone and, mainly, thanks to my studies on pedagogic principles of Prof. Neuhaus, whom I see as the one and sole teacher who put the Chopin's method into personal tutorial practice. Nowadays the Chopin & Neuhaus Method's practical use is the main source of my great optimism in the piano pedagogic field! I am furthermore convinced that such help could be very beneficial to many musicians in theirs personal search for competent solution in the way to mastery in teaching and playing the piano. I am deeply convinced that proposition of this kind might positively inspire not only the pianists. In any case just the violin technique of David Oistrakh's style was, maybe, the first inspiration that opened my eyes and ears on values being formerly unreadable to me in the Chopin & Neuhaus' piano pedagogic legacy.

Thank you for your interest in my interpretation of the Chopin & Neuhaus' piano system! I would be very pleased reading any yours personal comment!

 Stefan Kutrzeba

Last Revised: 24.2.2005.